Nextcloud adds public user profiles by default

Nextcloud 23 adds public user profiles and turns them on by default. This means, that any user now shares their contact information with the whole world via /u/$username (e.g. See the Changelog of Nextcloud 23 where you find it as:

User profiles are a cool idea, but not publicly and under NO circumstances public by default!! This will cost NextCloud some trust, because this is just a very bad decision.

At least a new profile.enabled setting has been introduced to disable profiles globally (#29372). This will be however only available in the next stable release. In the meantime there is a nice workaround available, if you feel confident enough to fiddle in the MySQL database:

update oc_accounts set data = JSON_SET(data, '$.profile_enabled', JSON_QUERY('{"value": "0", "scope": "v2-local", "verified": "0"}', '$'));

To apply this workaround, you need to connect to your MySQL database and then select the NextCloud database (e.g. USE nextcloud) before running it.
