
Webhook receiver program

weblug is a webhook receiver program. It can be configured via a yaml file and allows you to configure customizable webhook which can execute different programs/script on the host system.

See for yourself, how it could work:

  - name: 'build blog'
    route: "/webhooks/eehoRamahhaiChaeKoor3naixiecaese"
    command: "/home/hugo/rebuild_blog"
    background: True         # Terminate http request immediately
    concurrency: 1           # At most 2 parallel processes are allowed
    uid: 1002                # Run a hugo user
    gid: 1002                # hugo group

  - name: 'burglar alarm'
    route: "/webhooks/laexaig6ui6Bohch4viaFe9eequeiTh5"
    command: "/root/release_hounds"

The project is on https://codeberg.org/grisu48/weblug, where more documentation is available.

# Posts

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0