Featured image of post Ubuntu 16.04 is here

Ubuntu 16.04 is here

Ubuntu 16.04 has landed! You can immediately download it from ubuntu.com - Checkout the Release Notes here.

Since I’m away until the end of the next week, I will not have the time to try it out yet.

I am really looking forward to the announced snaps and apt. I have hopes that the snaps will make a difference when it comes to unification of installing packages on different distributions. To be honest, unless the package is well supported, the situation is a mess. I don’t want to be offensive, I know it’s not easy to build a package for every distribution.

To support the community, my server now seed the Ubuntu Torrents 🙂

  • Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop [amd64] Torrent
  • Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop [i386] Torrent
  • Ubuntu 16.04 Server [amd64] Torrent
  • Ubuntu 16.04 Server [i386] Torrent

Have fun! I will have a closer look, when I’m back home. Until then - Hejda from Sweden 🙂

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Apr 22, 2016 10:12 UTC