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Iceland: Campingcard locations 2018

Download: CampingCard-Locations-2018.gpx

For everyone who plants to visit Iceland, and considers camping, have a look at campingcard.is. This card costs you about 150 bucks and gives you access to a wide range of camping locations. The locations are good, sometimes, especially when it’s raining, the provided indoor accommodations are a bit crowded. Still - it’s a nice deal. We did it for about two weeks and it was a nice experience.

Unfortunately campingcard.is doesn’t provide GPX files, so I wrote a python script to extract the locations from their website and create a GPX file out of them last year.

If you are searching for the CampingCard GPX files, then you also should have a look at https://safetravel.is/ for safety informations around Iceland.

# Download CampingCard locations as GPX

I’ve hosted the extracted GPX files for 2017 and 2018 on my blog - you find them here. Please verify the files before relying on them and use at own risk.

Have fun and keep safe!

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Apr 07, 2018 11:29 UTC