Featured image of post Tuliproute Almere

Tuliproute Almere

Flevoland (The province in Netherlands we live in) has rich agriculture and a lot of tulip fields. Because they are a gorgeous composition in the landscape, each year the so-called Tulpenroute Flevoland is organised. The Tulpenroute is an event, where you can go with your bike or in your car on predefined routes to watch and absorb an absolutely brilliant spectacle.

While the bike routes are downloadable, for the car route you need to register online and pay a small fee to the organizers (and I suppose also the farmers). I find that a fair deal, because despite that they tell you that going into the fields is forbidden, a lot of people still cannot resist the urge to shoot a selfie in the midst of a sea of flowers. And I guess one or two will definitely stumble and destroy some of the flowers. You also get a awesome Speurkaart to search for different things on the way :-)

Along the route there are multiple places where some of the farmers sell coffee-to-go, waffles and other snacks.

The Tuplenroute only lasts for 2-3 weeks, before the plants get cut. This is an amazing time of the year and nice to watch. If you want to come to the Netherlands, this might be the right time for a unique experience.

Fun fact: I never though this is a thing, but I have a kind of favorite tulip: The Yellow-Red ones (third picture). Never though there is such a thing like a favorite kind of tulips but apparently those things happen.

I’m posting a handful of pictures here. It was indeed a gorgeous and colorful Saturday afternoon

Tulip field, composition in pink, red and yellow Tulip field, composition mostly in green and red Tulip field, composition in orange and red Tulip field, composition in yellow