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Töllås Fårgård

We are right now at the beginning of our awesome Sweden road trip. It’s the first night in Sweden and we have already found an amazing spot to stay. It’s Töllås Fårgård and it is a nice sheep farm. This page is now also part of my series of Sweden 2021 blog posts.

Töllås Fårgård is located idyllically in the countryside of the Orust island in the Southwest of Sweden. It is good reachable via car, once you mastered the a bit chaotic street design of Gotenborg. Seriously, that was just crazy …
I loved this place spot on. It is just a lovely and welcoming space - you drive through the farm yard to the parking spot and are welcomed by several sheep and some ducks, which are just roaming around and snapping for flies.

Red little farmhouse next to a white house. In the foreground are some black and gray sheep grazing The nice guest garden

One thing that makes this place so special is their guest garden, where people come for their self-made cake and coffee for “fika” - the Swedish culture of an afternoon coffee with something sweet or hearty. You can sit in a cultivated garden, next to salads, carrots, red beets, leech and some onions and beans. During the long summer days they look like they would just keep growing indefinitely. In general, the environment has activated the photosynthesis turbo boost, everything is at peak green levels. Including the garden, where a delicious cheesecake with coffee is being devoured on a sunny Monday afternoon.

Well maintained garden See the nice little signs? The place is just brilliant Hoppsan lives here Hoppsan being lazy

It looks like there are also some holiday homes for rent nearby. I find the landscape here nice to see, and this is definitely a very quiet and relaxing place to go. One will need a car though, otherwise everything is a bit out of reach (I suppose). They also have a small petting zoo with two bunnies, who go by the awesome names Hoppsan and Hugo. Hoppsan means “Whoopsie” btw. in Swedish, I was told.

Töllås Fårgård was run by a local family who also run a farm shop. They sell coffee and cake (Fika), and some artisan local products like fresh bread, jam, eggs, onions and meat from the farm. We took some frozen lamb with us, which was one of the best pieces of lamb I ever had in my life. Having a motorhome really has its advantages like having a freezer.

# This place is just amazing!

Lovely place, amazing to stay for 1-2 days with a motorhome. Lots of forest nearby, a reachable beach by foot or by bike. In general here mountain bikes are a good thing to have with you, because you can do a lot with them and you don’t have to drive then to nice places that a just a little bit to far for reaching by foot. Clear recommendation from my side. The people are super friendly and the place is just lovely, let aside the nice an welcoming guest garden.

# Map with location

See also fargard.se for more information.